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Govenor's Executive Order EO N-6-22

Bids/Request for Proposals


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New Science Building Project RFQ

Notice of Final Rankings for New Science Building Project RFQ



1. Notice of Intent

2. Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

3. Appendix A: Facilities Master Plan

4. Appendix B:  CalEEMod Annual and Daily

5. Appendix C:  Biological Resources Assessment

6. Appendix D:  Delineation of Waters of the United States

7. Signed Notice of Completion and Environmental Document Transmittal


Preferred Contractor Process

The Butte-Glenn Community College District has adopted the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act under the Public Contract Code §22000 et seq.

If you are interested in being listed as a preferred contractor, please email the below information to Christie Lee at Contractors must be in place and approved prior to bidding on any informal bids.

  • The name and address to which a Notice to Contractors or Proposal should be mailed.
  • A phone number at which you may be reached.
  • An email that all communications can be sent.
  • The type of work in which you are interested and are currently licensed to do.
  • The class of contractor’s license(s) held.
  • Your contractor license number(s).
  • A copy of your DIR Registration Verification
  • DIR Registration Form 



Butte College | 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville CA 95965 | General Information (530) 895-2511

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